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Fay’s Ultra Flexi with Black Suede Sole


Fay’s biggest championship shoe, the Fays Ultra Flexi with black suede sole provides a shoe more suited to experienced dancers.  These shoes take longer to break in than the Ultralights.

The thin black suede sole shoe combined with 100% calf leather provides flexibility suitable for experienced dancers, championship dancers, show dancers and teachers.  Highest quality Irish Dancing shoe design made entirely with 100% calf leather providing terrific flexibility and durability.

Fays High Tech Heels screwed onto the shoe for terrific sharp sound and added strength. Moulded click heels aid in easier heel clicks. Fays specially formulated Millenium Tip with many years of refinement and fine-tuning, providing an excellent sharp sound, very tough and durable. Flattened toe delivering extra support and balance during toe stands. Made with experience, worn by champions, and guaranteed to last.

Wide Fitting is available on request.

International & Shipping to Ireland

International shipping of Irish dancewear

We can ship to Europe and other destinations via DHL, however,  due to the current situation the price varies almost daily - please contact us directly if you need international shipping.

We ship to all areas of the Republic of Ireland via DHL and the cost will be applied to your order, however, please be aware that there may be an additional customs charge to pay.

Additional information


Black, White

Shoe Size

Children's 2.5, Adults 8.5, Children's 3.5, Adults 9, Children's 4, Adults 9.5, Children's 4.5, Adults 10, Children's 5, Adults 10.5, Children's 5.5, Adults 11, Adults 6, Adults 11.5, Adults 6.5, Adults 12, Adults 7, Adults 7.5, Children's 3, Adults 8


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