Welcome to The Feis Shop – Irish Dancing Specialists

The Feis Shop – Everything you need for Feis
Hello and welcome to the new website for the Feis Shop.
I started The Feis Shop because, as a dance mum I found it really hard to find the bits I needed, once I did they cost a fortune. So I set up shop and set about buying stock from multiple different sources to provide either the best value or simply the best there is. If there is something you think we’ve missed, get in touch and let us know.
Lots of stock and Bespoke colours
We carry large stocks of most things and anything that is not in stock can be obtained very quickly. Wigs take the longest at 3 weeks, most other things are just a couple of days. We also offer wigs in any combination of colours to suit your hair colour perfectly – I believe we’re the only company to do this.
We are mainly an online shop, but you can visit us in Charlton, London (when were not socially distancing).
Attending Feis
As I write this most countries are in lockdown so there are no Feis, but once we get back to normal we will regularly attend Feis and we will publish the dates here and in our newsletter – you can sign up for this below.
Stay Safe